News Article

EFSA: Scientific Opinion on the impact of NMDR on risk assessment

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes opinion on the impact of non-monotonic dose responses (NMDRs) on human health risk assessment; if NMDR may be present, suggests further testing at the low end of the dose-response curve; recommends developing internationally agreed guidance and harmonized frameworks for ‘identifying and addressing’ NMDRs during risk assessments

News Article

UK may tax single-use plastics

UK government considers taxing disposable plastic items such as coffee cups and takeaway food containers to reduce plastic waste and pollution; call for evidence to be launched in 2018

News Article

HBM4EU: 2nd prioritization round

European Human Biomonitoring Initiative holds stakeholder workshop, presents strategy for the 2nd prioritization round, discusses short list of substances

Events 2023 Workshop

Achieving safe and sustainable food packaging: Where are we now?

On September 28, 2023, the Food Packaging Forum held its 11th annual workshop under the theme of achieving safe & sustainable food packaging and assessing where we are now. Featuring a diverse range of expert speakers representing different stakeholder groups, participants heard keynote presentations on the latest science and policy, discussed key questions in break-out groups, engaged in an in-depth panel discussion on reuse, and shared their perspectives and open questions. Over 170 registered participants from more than 20 different […]