News Article

Aggregate exposure assessment for BPA

Scientists discuss aggregate exposure assessment for bisphenol A; source-to-dose (forward) and biomonitoring-based (backward) calculation resulted in similar estimates; 90% of exposure comes from diet and the remaining 10% mainly from dermal exposure

News Article

Second study finds microplastics in human placenta

Clinical study investigates 10 microplastic types in human placenta and meconium; detects polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyurethane in the samples; highlights that evaluation and control of potential contamination is crucial

News Article

Evaluation framework for new approach methodologies

Multistakeholder study presents framework to evaluate new approach methodologies for assessing safety of chemicals; uses three steps and set of core principles, criteria to check if fit-for-purpose; provides case studies illustrating application

News Article

Focus on EDC controversy

Health & Environment article outlines debate around 2012 WHO/UNEP report on EDCs; discusses value of state-of-the-science reviews and need for systematic review methods in complex research problems