News Article

Governments create website compiling EDCs across EU

Government agencies from six EU member states launch new website containing sets of substances identified as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) or currently under review for ED properties; separated into three sets recognized on the EU level, national level, or currently under review

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Fresenius Conference on EDCs

Fresenius Academy holds 7th International Conference on EDCs; UK regulatory representative and pesticide industry call for inclusion of ‘potency perspective’ in EDC identification criteria; most other country representatives and NGOs in favor of hazard-based identification

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European court annuls previous decision to identify TiO2 as carcinogenic

Court of Justice of the European Union reverses earlier court ruling identifying titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a carcinogen via inhalation; finds Risk Assessment Committee did not consider all necessary factors and criteria for having intrinsic hazard not met; legal institutions now responsible for addressing changes needed to adapt to court’s decision