News Article

Uptake of microplastics on the rise – especially in Southeast Asia

Recent studies explore uptake pathways of microplastics; uptake has increased in recent years; rapidly industrializing Southeast Asian countries more impacted; food packaging responsible for approx. 2.98 × 103 microplastics/person/year; higher exposure for regular consumers of bottled water, tea brewed from plastic tea bags, or ultrafiltered milk

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Studies present new generic and specific modeling approaches for FCCs migration

Scientists develop nonlinear model for predicting food contact chemical (FCC) migration and apply it to FCCs of high toxicological concern; emphasize usefulness of their model to speed up migration assessment of FCCs; different group of scientists proposes an innovative modeling approach to assess release of a specific additives and elements from plastic food packaging and steel processing tools

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Toxicological and chemical profiling of plastic migrates

Scientific study investigates in vitro toxicity and composition of chemical mixtures migrating from everyday plastic products made of eight polymer types; demonstrates that thousands of chemicals can leach under realistic use conditions, including compounds toxic in vitro that contribute to human exposure; emphasizes the importance to rethink and redesign plastics to achieve safe materials

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Recent studies show that MNPs can negatively impact reproductive health

Studies confirm micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in human endometrial tissue, amniotic fluid, placentas, and feces of pregnant people; MNP presence in the endometrium is linked with recurrent miscarriages in humans, apoptosis in organoids, and reduced fertility in mice; higher MNPs exposure from seafood and bottled water consumption

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Migration vs. solubility

New scientific study finds that in certain cases migration studies can be substituted by solubility measurements; modified OECD method shows solubility of select antioxidants, UV stabilizers in some food simulants is below SMLs

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Second study finds microplastics in human placenta

Clinical study investigates 10 microplastic types in human placenta and meconium; detects polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyurethane in the samples; highlights that evaluation and control of potential contamination is crucial

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Taiwan to identify chemicals of concern

Taiwanese Environmental Protection Agency developing screening and assessment standards for identification of substances with food safety concerns, high hazard levels, high production volumes; draft list to be released by end of 2019