News Article

Focus on EDC controversy

Health & Environment article outlines debate around 2012 WHO/UNEP report on EDCs; discusses value of state-of-the-science reviews and need for systematic review methods in complex research problems

News Article

How to group PFAS? Expert panel finds no single answer

Panel of 12 experts in the fields of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemistry and toxicology, general mixtures risk assessment and toxicokinetics participate in series of blind surveys; experts representing academia, regulators, and consultants; discuss how to group PFAS

News Article

Researches develop and evaluate methods for food contact chemical determination

Propose method to analyze chemical markers of mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) from printing inks in food packaging; present workflow that includes in silico prediction tools to identify nonvolatile migrates from food packaging; evaluate efficiency and reliability of methodology for non-target identification of volatile substances