News Article

Endocrine disruption and the next generation of chemicals

Chemists, toxicologists collaborate to develop safer chemicals by compiling a Tiered Protocol for Endocrine Disruption (TiPED) testing, published in the Green Chemistry journal. Their goal is to eliminate the hazard of endocrine disruption, rather than attempting to control exposures as current approaches do. Certainty on absence of endocrine disruption currently can only be achieved with whole organism experiments, according to the authors.

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Consumers want safe BPA-free coatings

New York Times reports on BPA replacements for can coatings, why alternatives are not readily available and ongoing scientific dispute about BPA’s safety

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Client Earth presents action plan on EDCs

Environmental law organization finds EU laws on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) lag behind current science, proposes specific policy and process changes to address gaps; recommends implementing REACH restrictions on all identified EDCs, automatic regulatory consequences to reduce all sources of exposure

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EU Farm to Fork Strategy announces timeline for FCM revisions

European Commission publishes strategy aiming to change how Europeans value food sustainability; confirms that current EU regulations on food contact materials (FCMs) will be revised to reduce use of hazardous chemicals and support re-usable packaging solutions; proposed revision to be released end of 2022