News Article

Washington state publishes PFAS action plan

Department of Ecology (DoE) for US state of Washington publishes final PFAS chemical action plan; outlines recommendations to reduce impacts of PFAS on public and environmental health; focuses on consumer products, drinking water, waste streams, environmental concentrations

News Article

EFSA: Open plenary meetings 2016

Meetings of EFSA’s scientific panels and Scientific Committee open for observers; Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavorings and Processing Aids will meet on November 29 – December 1, 2016

News Article

Scientists present computer-based approach for designing safer chemicals

Dutch researchers introduce workflow to select chemicals for redesign and develop safer and more sustainable alternatives in a systematic, computer-aided way; illustrate and apply approach to identify and synthesize alternative to flame retardant with reduced persistency; emphasize need to improve knowledge and prediction on chemicals’ biodegradability