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Plastic Health Summit conference

Conference on October 3, 2019, in Amsterdam to focus on reviewing current scientific research in micro- and nanoplastics, plastic additives, and health; registration and program available online

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Toxicological and chemical profiling of plastic migrates

Scientific study investigates in vitro toxicity and composition of chemical mixtures migrating from everyday plastic products made of eight polymer types; demonstrates that thousands of chemicals can leach under realistic use conditions, including compounds toxic in vitro that contribute to human exposure; emphasizes the importance to rethink and redesign plastics to achieve safe materials

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FPF study: Food contact articles from all major markets contain potential and confirmed breast carcinogens

In a peer-reviewed article, researchers from the Food Packaging Forum identify and discuss nearly 200 potential breast carcinogens detected in food packaging and other food contact materials (FCMs) on the market; when limited to migration studies published in 2020-22, 76 potential and confirmed mammary carcinogens were measured; including in FCMs from EU, US, China, and elsewhere