News Article

TSCA and confidential business information

Court finds that U.S. EPA needs to revise substantiation required for companies to claim confidential business information under Toxic Substances Control Act; Environmental Defense Fund calls for new consultation on proposed rule

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Tox21 Update

Environmental Health Perspectives reports on Tox21 advances, issues from Phase I to be resolved in Phase II

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Study investigates pace of bioplastic innovation

Clarivate report finds bioplastics still in early developmental stage, volume of filed patents increasing at same rate as other sectors; research focus being placed on improving mechanical properties to compete with petrochemical-based plastics

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BPA found in human fetal livers, slower BPA metabolism in fetuses suggested

Researchers find free and conjugated BPA in human fetal livers from voluntary early pregnancy terminations confirming an earlier finding. Presented data is suggestive of a slower metabolism in fetuses relative to adults, however based on a limited reference group size.

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Packaging could be involved in spreading novel coronavirus

Study led by U.S. National Institutes of Health finds SARS-CoV-2 virus remains on plastic and stainless steel for up to three days, cardboard up to one day; raises concerns regarding packaging as a potential vector for spreading the virus, potential need to wash or quarantine packaged products at home