News Article

Systematic overview reveals chemicals migrating from PE food packaging

Review compiles 116 studies on chemical migration from polyethylene (PE); 211 chemicals detected to migrate into food or food simulants; 13 are authorized chemicals that exceed set EU specific migration limits, 53 others exceed migration limit of 10 μg/kg; study calls for further research and identifies gaps in current regulatory framework

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New Zealand and two Australian states phase out single-use plastics

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment announces plan to ban many hard-to-recycle and single-use plastic items by mid-2025; includes food packaging made from polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, and some degradable plastics, plus all drink stirrers, single-use tableware, and fruit labels; Western Australia moves Plan for Plastics ahead 4 years, banning most single-use plasticware by end of 2021; New South Wales to eliminate most single-use plasticware within a year

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Food Packaging Forum: Workshop 2016

Save the date for the Food Packaging Forum’s annual workshop on October 25, 2016 in Zurich, Switzerland; first announcement of speakers and topics

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Plastic container fluorine treatments create PFAS

Scientists from Environmental Defense Fund and Green Science Policy Institute find fluorine gas treatment used on “millions of polyethylene and polypropylene containers each year” including those for food contact; treatment can produce PFAS that migrate from the material

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Food Watch petition calls for end of excessive food packaging

Identifies examples of mostly empty packaged food products filled with air in French supermarkets; finds excess packaging not intended to protect food, only serves to convey increased product size; public petition launched to call on specific brands to improve

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£7 million for innovative UK plastic supply chain projects

Innovate UK seeks applications from UK businesses, institutions, charities, etc. to fund ambitious projects addressing UK Plastic Pact targets; project foci include: minimization/reduction of plastic packaging, food grade recycled polypropylene and polyethylene, and packaging suitable for reuse, refill; application open until September 8, 2021

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India updating ionomer resin standard

Bureau of Indian Standards publishes draft update to standard for ionomer resins in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water; accepting comments on the proposal until December 6, 2022

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India plans to test FCMs for BPA

Government authority announces planned survey of food contact materials (FCMs) to test for presence of bisphenol A (BPA); results to be used to develop regulatory framework including maximum allowable content, leaching limits, tolerable daily intake