News Article

Final rule on GRAS

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues final rule on food ingredients ‘generally recognized as safe’; specifies requirements for scientific evidence; notification remains voluntary

News Article

FDA sued over GRAS program

NGO sues FDA over GRAS notification process, success would force FDA to revert back to pre-1997 rules

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NIAS in laminated bioplastics

Study investigates composition of biodegradable adhesive and chemical migration from bioplastics laminates, identifies several NIAS, shows importance for migration testing of finished material

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Food contact related European food alerts in 2012

2012 report on European rapid alerts of enforcement authorities shows slightly less food contact related notifications compared to 2011, Chinese imports of particular concern

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South Korea issues updated FCM regulations

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety publishes notice containing revisions to national food contact material regulations; adds polyketones as additional raw materials, groups synthetic resins into categories, issues updated standards on recycled synthetic resins including for polyethylene terephthalate (PET)