News Article

NGO petitions German government to ban plastic packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables

Civil society organization Foodwatch Germany is petitioning the German government to follow the lead of France and Spain in banning plastic packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables; claims ban would save more than 60,000 tons of plastic waste; French ban went into effect January 2022, Spain plans ban for 2023, Foodwatch petitions Germany for ban by 2026

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EFSA supports research on AOPs

Call for research proposals on adverse outcome pathways identifying new endocrine disrupting chemicals research, focus on uterine adenocarcinoma; proposals to be submitted to European Food Safety Authority until September 14, 2020

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EC study guides creation of sustainable-by-design criteria

European Commission (EC) releases study mapping current sustainability initiatives and research applicable to creating sustainable-by-design criteria; particular focus on materials and chemicals, including a section assessing nanomaterials; finds few policies related to the production phase of a material’s life cycle; next steps are to identify specific aspects of sustainability to be covered in the criteria and how to evaluate them

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Multi-stakeholder forum on TTIP

Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue brings together participants from civil society, government, legislators and business to discuss consumer issues regarding TTIP