News Article

KH Food Packaging Law Seminar 2019

Keller and Heckman LLP to hold annual food packaging law seminar with China-focused pre-conference workshop in March 2019; registration now open

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EC report on biodegradable plastics in open environment

European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Advice Mechanism publishes evidence report and scientific opinion, discusses potential benefits and limitations of biodegradable plastics; finds no silver bullet for inappropriate waste management or plastic littering, only for specific applications; appropriate formulation, coherent testing and certification standards needed to realize full potential

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Uptake of microplastics on the rise – especially in Southeast Asia

Recent studies explore uptake pathways of microplastics; uptake has increased in recent years; rapidly industrializing Southeast Asian countries more impacted; food packaging responsible for approx. 2.98 × 103 microplastics/person/year; higher exposure for regular consumers of bottled water, tea brewed from plastic tea bags, or ultrafiltered milk

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Swiss litter report

Stop Plastic Pollution CH releases first nationwide study on plastic and other pollution in Swiss rivers and lakes; plastic items and cigarette butts most frequently found; call on Swiss government to follow EU plastics strategy