News Article

Method for measuring nanoparticles

Scientific publication details new method for measuring the precise dose of nanomaterials in cells and fluids, important advancement for risk assessment of entire material class

News Article

Study finds lack of data on PFAEs

Report from Nordic Council of Ministers reviews public information available for per- and polyfluoroalkylether substances (PFAEs); identifies 394 substances, find more than half do not exist in public chemical databases; limited data on identity, production, and uses

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Study warns of perchlorate effects

Scientists led by Vanderbilt University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine identify mechanism perchlorate uses to block iodine uptake in thyroid cells, argue pollution in drinking water more dangerous than previously thought

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Washington state passes bold chemicals legislation

Pollution Prevention for Our Future Act calls on state department to identify and take action on priority substances and products; legislation covers food and beverage packaging, could restrict use of substances