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EFSA seeks comments on chemical mixtures research and prioritization

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announces public consultation period concerning draft on “scientific criteria for grouping chemicals into assessment groups for human risk assessment” of chemical mixtures; particular focus on chemicals related to food and feed safety; seeking feedback from experts in chemical risk assessment, organizations and people in the field of chemicals mixtures and food safety; comment period ends July 10, 2021

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Studies highlight presence of antioxidants in Chinese food contact materials

Recent studies explore the presence and migration of diverse synthetic antioxidants in Chinese food contact materials (FCMs); both phosphite antioxidants and synthetic phenolic antioxidants are commonly found; typically, FCMs contain several mg of synthetic antioxidants per kg FCM and may be the primary source of exposure to synthetic antioxidants; some commonly found antioxidants are suspected endocrine disruptors

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FCM-relevant AOP research

Scientists explore adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) associated with bisphenols, phthalates, perchlorate, food additives, microplastics; discuss ways of using AOPs to predict chemical hazards, assess mixture toxicity

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EFSA responds to criticism

European Food Safety Authority addresses European Ombudsman findings of maladministration, announces Transparency Policy document