News Article

Italy amends stainless steel regulation

Italy expands list of stainless steels authorized for food contact, updates list of unintentionally added elements permitted in stainless steels

News Article

Safety of DEHCH

EFSA assesses safety of bis(2-ethylhexyl)cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylate (DEHCH) for use as plasticizer in PVC; concluded to present no safety concerns; uncertainty remains about bioaccumulation potential in humans

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EEB challenges ECHA to 10 REACH improvements

European Environmental Bureau recommends tasks for ECHA to increase transparency, enable precautionary principle, allocate burden of proof onto industry, promote substitution; plans to evaluate and communicate on progress made in one year

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Survey: packaging importance grows for brands

L.E.K Consulting conducts survey among 250 brand owners of packaged consumer goods; 75% expect to increase spending on packaging this year, expand focus on biodegradable, recycled, or compostable materials