News Article

Enzymatic recycling of PET

CARBIOS announces development of PET bottle made from ‘100% purified terephthalic acid’ obtained by ‘enzymatic biorecycling’ of mixed PET plastic waste, though challenges still remain to produce recycled resin fully comparable to virgin PET

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EU report on plastics innovations

EU Commission’s Directorate-General on Research and Innovation releases report on circular economy for plastics, summarizing research and innovation developments to provide reference information for future policy and funding decisions

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Partnership to improve UK recycling

The organizations WRAP and OPRL to work together to reduce consumer confusion related to recycling, improve quality and quantity of recyclate in UK

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Food Dive article on resurgence of glass

Article discusses the benefits and shortfalls of glass as a food packaging material, sees glass as viable option for the future as brands commit to recyclable and reusable packaging