News Article

EU Court: GenX chemicals rightfully labelled as SVHCs

European Court of Justice confirms the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is correct to classify a group of GenX chemicals as substances of very high concern (SVHC); chemical company Chemours has two months to consider appealing the verdict

News Article

China approves new and expanded usage of FCMs

Law firm Keller and Heckman publishes a summary of China’s recently approved uses of 19 materials and substances for food contact; includes three new food contact chemicals (FCCs), seven new resins, and expanded usage of nine other materials; three substances are in the Food Packaging Forum’s food contact chemicals database as either a priority hazardous substance or substance of potential concern

News Article

Petcore Europe conference 2019

Petcore Europe conference in February 2019 to discuss ‘perspectives and strategy of the PET value chain’ with focus on EU plastics strategy