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Upcoming FPF webinar on novel bioassays for FCMs

On June 30, 2020, the Food Packaging Forum (FPF) will hold a webinar featuring a presentation from Alan Bergmann from the Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology on recent research developing novel bioassays to improve testing of food contact materials (FCMs); method improves sensitivity of detecting estrogenicity within complex mixtures of chemicals

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ECHA director responds to criticisms

Interview with Bjorn Hansen discusses efficiency of data sharing across chemical assessments, incompleteness of REACH registration dossiers, identification of additional SVHCs, and the upcoming EU chemicals strategy

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Nanoparticles in infant formula

New report by Friends of the Earth reveals presence of engineered nanoparticles in popular U.S. baby formula brands; call for moratorium on food and food packaging containing nanomaterials

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NGO criticizes industry nomination for EFSA

DG Sanco nominates FoodDrinkEurope candidate for EFSA management board, Corporate Europe Observatory criticizes industry links of 2014 nominees