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Science and statecraft at the second Plastics Treaty negotiation

Diplomats from across the globe descended on Paris, France to continue developing the UN treaty on plastics pollution; Scientist’s Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty members spoke to delegates from every continent, representing 33% of the world’s population; UN secretariat will develop INC-2 synthesis report, create zero draft by INC-3; elements for intersessional work can be submitted until August 15, 2023; INC-3 in Nairobi, Kenya in November 2023

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Properties of rPET-containing bottles

Scientists examine effects of recycled PET (rPET) on bottles’ properties, propose generic model to calculate acceptable rPET content for different scenarios; bottles from mono-collection systems have less particle contamination, more favorable optical properties, lower accumulation of contaminants, and therefore recommended to allow higher recycled content

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Action and inaction on PFAS in the US federal government

Earthjustice files petition asking US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revoke approval of 600 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) allowed on the market under exemptions of the Toxic Substances Control Act; represents about half the number of PFAS on the market; EPA extends reach of guidelines for federal purchasing of PFAS-free products; Food and Drug Administration funding bill stripped of reform amendments including federal ban on PFAS in food packaging

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PFAS research snapshot Q4 2023: presence, migration, health concerns, and regrettable substitution

Scientists detect two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in plastic food storage bags; study assesses PFAS in 119 single-use food packaging and tableware samples from around the world and detectes PFAS in 54%; two reviews raise awareness of PFAS impact on human liver health and safety issues connected with the PFAS substitutes – polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters (PAPs); scientist calls for more research to assess combined environmental effect of microplastics and PFAS

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Microplastic effects on colon cells, blood lymphocytes, and gut-liver axis

Two in vitro studies analyze plastic particle effects using human cells; find polystyrene (PS) particles change metabolism of human colon cells similar to a carcinogen; PS nanoplastics may have cytotoxic and genotoxic potential on human blood lymphocytes; mouse study indicates microplastics increase risk of insulin resistance; researchers calculate particle ingestion from takeaway containers

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Review on EDCs and breast cancer calls for research inclusivity

Researchers review association between endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure, specifically per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and parabens, and breast cancer development; report structural racism increases EDC exposure of marginalized communities; emphasize need for considering socially disadvantaged populations in research to mitigate exposure and improve breast cancer disparities; review finds bisphenol A (BPA) replacements BPS and BPF as carcinogenic as BPA