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FPF comment: US EPA expansion of Safer Choice program

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comment to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the potential expansion of the agency’s Safer Choice and Design for Environment programs into new sectors; FPF encourages EPA to consider food contact materials; shares resources about chemicals of concern in food contact

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Studies report on bisphenol exposure and health effects

Review summarizes plastic-associated bisphenol A (BPA) sources, exposure, and human health risks; dietary bisphenol exposure via packaged food consumption in Saudi Arabia is potential human health concern; review discusses bisphenols’ effects on the cardiovascular system and recommends human-relevant studies with bisphenols other than BPA; consensus scoring analysis identifies endocrine-disrupting food contact chemicals potentially interacting with nuclear receptors

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Stakeholders discuss waste management challenges of plastics

Publications from government, academia, civil society organizations, and consultancies paint problematic picture of a circular plastics economy; plastic packaging waste per person found to increase over last decade; low percentage of plastic produced is effectively recycled; pyrolysis (a type of chemical recycling) of plastics produces 9x more emissions than mechanical recycling; “biodegradable” and “compostable” plastics found to not break down in home compost systems

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FPF Workshop 2020: Values and transparency in science

Kevin Elliott discusses how values can influence scientific judgements or be themselves affected by them; transparency plays an important role in responding to challenges caused by value-laden judgements; contents and venues chosen for transparent communication need to be adjusted according to each stakeholder’s needs

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Researchers detect microplastics in human semen and heart

Four recent studies assess microplastics: in human semen, heart, from baby food containers, and suitability of in vitro models to investigate human health effects; find microplastics in six out of ten semen samples, find impacts on semen quality; samples from cardiac surgery patients contain microplastics in heart and surrounding tissue; billions of nano- and microplastics released from plastic baby food containers; outline challenges and recommendation of studying plastic particles in vitro

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Science and statecraft at the second Plastics Treaty negotiation

Diplomats from across the globe descended on Paris, France to continue developing the UN treaty on plastics pollution; Scientist’s Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty members spoke to delegates from every continent, representing 33% of the world’s population; UN secretariat will develop INC-2 synthesis report, create zero draft by INC-3; elements for intersessional work can be submitted until August 15, 2023; INC-3 in Nairobi, Kenya in November 2023

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NGO recommendations for sustainable chemistry

Position paper by several international NGOs calls for stronger definition of sustainable chemistry, phase-out of hazardous chemicals, internalization of pollution costs, full disclosure of chemical ingredients

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Stakeholders discuss global plastic treaty

Friends of Europe hosts online debate bringing together stakeholder groups from industry, regulatory agencies, and NGOs; considers how to achieve a circular plastics economy, discusses the necessity of a global plastic treaty, prevention of plastic waste trade and illegal waste dumping, extended producer responsibility schemes (EPRs), need for unified EU plastic waste market; discussions build on report by European Environment Agency, case study by Zero Waste Europe and report by Ellen MacArthur Foundation