News Article

Review investigates challenges of assessing NIAS in plastic FCMs

Literature review summarizes challenges regarding non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in plastic food contact materials (FCMs); describes 52 studies with their applied methodologies for NIAS extraction and identification, plastic types analyzed, and NIAS detected; highlights NIAS assessment as a challenge for scientific community and industry due to lack of hazard data, a missing harmonized methodology, and outdated regulatory guidelines

News Article

PFAS under mounting scrutiny in Europe, US

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes long-awaited PFAS restriction proposal; includes blanket ban of all PFAS in Europe with two restriction timelines – all at once or in phases by use case; concludes PFAS in nearly all food contact and packaging applications have ‘high substitution potential’; NGO ChemSec adds 370 PFAS to SIN List; at least 28 US states expected to consider PFAS-related policy this year

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Brand audits identify top polluters

Report by Greenpeace and Break Free From Plastic names 10 global companies whose products appear to be the biggest contributors to plastic pollution worldwide based on findings from beach cleanups and brand audits

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ECHA inspection: failures to communicate SVHCs in articles

European Chemicals Agency pilot enforcement project finds 12% of inspected articles contain substances of very high concern (SVHCs) with 88% of suppliers failing to sufficiently communicate to customers; calls for improved communication in the supply chain