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UK reviews biobased and biodegradable plastics

UK government releases report summarizing stakeholders comments regarding bio-based, biodegradable plastics contribution to circular economy; discusses knowledge gaps; finds lower carbon footprint, potential negative impacts on land-use, waste management; determines use of biodegradables should be limited to specific applications; degradation in the open environment unclear

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Phthalates: 'Safe' levels may not be protective of human health

New peer-reviewed scientific study by the Food Packaging Forum and academic scientists shows regulatory ‘safe’ limits for human exposure to phthalates may be set at levels not sufficiently protective of human health; analysis reviews 38 human health studies; highlights need for revising current approach and to re-assess the safety of chemicals already on the market

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ANSES prioritizes substances for EDC assessment

French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) releases list of substances of very high concern, assessment tool for identification of endocrine disruptors (EDCs); found 906 chemicals of concern, 16 substances of high priority; aim to accelerate identification and chemical assessment of EDCs part of Second National Endocrine Disruptor Strategy (SnPE 2)

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FAO updates COVID guidance for food businesses

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) updates their report on guidance for preventing transmission of COVID-19 within food businesses; states “data indicates that neither food nor food packaging is a pathway for the spread of viruses causing respiratory illnesses, including SARS-CoV-2”; update replaces guidance document from April 2020

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Chemical industry calls for collaboration to meet EU objectives

European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) publishes report investigating potential scope and impacts of new EU chemicals regulations; finds up to 12,000 substances may be affected by revisions, which are responsible for 28% of the industry’s turnover; adhesives and sealants sectors expected to be most affected