In a press release published on January 11, 2018, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, together with the UK’s Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP), announced “a new collaborative initiative that will help turn the tide on the UK’s growing issue of plastic waste.” The initiative responds to the UK government’s 25 Year Environment Plan released on the same day (FPF reported) and aspires “to redefine what is possible and create a plastic system that works – a circular economy where plastic is valued and never becomes waste.”

Focusing on plastic packaging, the initiative aims to “eliminate unnecessary and problematic single-use plastic packaging,” ensure that “all plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable.” Further, the collection and recycling of plastic packaging shall be “significantly increase[d],” and the “increase [in] recycled content in plastic packaging” is expected “to drive demand for recycled material.” Citizens shall be mobilized “to play their part in reducing plastic packaging waste and litter.”

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WRAP (January 11, 2018). “New initiative to transform UK plastics system and tackle plastic pollution.

New Plastics Economy (January 11, 2018). “Ellen MacArthur Foundation and WRAP announce new initiative to transform UK plastics system.