On Monday June 23, 2014 the scientific association Endocrine Society will hold a public workshop on Computational Toxicology and its Regulatory Application in the Endocrine Disruption Screening Program (EDSP). The workshop will be led by Kevin Crofton of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). It is part of the ENDO 2014 annual conference held in Chicago, U.S. from June 20 to 24.

ToxCast allows high-throughput screening of chemicals in selected in vitro assays, permitting the development of risk estimates for endocrine disruption based on estrogen, androgen and thyroid activity. All data are accessible via the Interactive Chemical Safety for Sustainability (iCSS) database, and Dr. Crofton will demonstrate how the database can be used in research studies.

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Computational Toxicology and its Regulatory Application in the Endocrine Disrupting Screening Program (EDSP). Endocrine Society ENDO 2014 conference.

Computational Toxicology Research: ToxCast. Advancing the next generation of chemical safety evaluation. United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Interactive Chemical Safety for Sustainability (iCSS) Dashboard. United States Environmental Protection Agency.