On December 2, 2020, Environmental Health News (EHN) reported on the launch of a seven-part webinar series created through a cooperation between the Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) and the University of California San Francisco’s Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment and the Environmental Research for Health and Translation Center. The series will include presentations from experts examining various health impacts harmful chemicals and pollutants can have on male and female reproductive systems and child development, as well as addressing implications for reproductive justice, interventions, and policy implications.

Two webinars within the series were already held. The first on October 29, 2020, helped listeners explore the latest science on the generational impacts from harmful chemical and environmental exposures from preconception through the life course. In the second webinar held on November 18, 2020, the discussion revolved around racial and socioeconomic disparities in reproductive health in the US.

The next webinar will focus on infertility and is going to be held on December 10, 2020 at 1pm EDT. It will feature Russ Hauser, Jodi A. Flaws and Audrey Gaskins, who will discuss the question how chemicals and air pollution are harming fertility.

The remaining webinars are planned to be held monthly until Spring 2021 – registration is free of charge. Future webinar dates and published recordings can be found on the webpage of CHE.

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Tracey Woodruff and Karen Wang (December 2, 2020). “WATCH: Top scientists explain how small exposures have a huge impact.” EHN

CHE (October 2020). “Generation Chemical: How Environmental Exposures are Affecting Reproductive Health and Development.”

CHE (November 2020). “Environmental reproductive justice: Racial disparities in environmental pollution and chemical exposures.”

CHE (December 2020). “Generation Chemical: How Environmental Exposures are Affecting Reproductive Health and Development.”