On January 10, 2021, The US House Oversight and Reform Committee delivered a letter written by Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) demanding immediate action on phthalates in food packaging and food processing equipment. According to Krishnamoorthi, “the agency has fallen short in protecting vulnerable Americans from the pernicious effects of foods contaminated with phthalates.” 

The letter asks that the FDA responds to a 2016 petition encouraging the agency to ban 28 phthalates from food packaging (FPF reported) for which in December 2021 Earthjustice sued the agency for their lack of response (FPF reported). The letter further asks if the FDA is taking any steps “to evaluate the effects that phthalates found in food packaging and processing materials have on human health [or] to work toward banning phthalates from use in food packaging and processing materials?” In addition, the letter asks what information the FDA possesses to support “that the 28 currently allowed phthalates are safe for use in products that touch food?” 

The FDA has until January 24, 2022 to respond to the House Oversight and Reform Committee. 


Read More 

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (January 10, 2022). “Letter to acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock.” House Oversight and Reform Committee (pdf).  

Sharon Udasin (January 10, 2022). “FDA must address endocrine-disrupting phthalates: House Oversight.” The Hill