Lena Ek, Swedish Minister for the Environment, considers suing the European Commission over the delayed endocrine disrupting chemical criteria according to a news agency EurActiv article published February 26, 2014. The Commission was to deliver the criteria by December 2013, but publication was postponed until after an impact assessment has been completed (previously reported on by the FPF). Ek said on the Swedish radio sveriges radio that if the criteria are not published within two months, Sweden is to file litigation against the Commission, as consequences for public health and the environment are too serious. Ek expresses particular concern over biocides, which are used in shoes, clothes, electronics, building materials and also food contact materials.

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EurActiv (February 26, 2014). “Sweden to sue the Commission for delaying hormone-affecting criteria.

Sveriges radio (February 26, 2014). “Sverige kan stämma EU-kommissionen.(in Swedish)

FPF article "EC misses EDC criteria deadline"