On October 9, 2013 the author of the bestselling book "Our Stolen Future", Dr. John Peterson Myers, will be speaking on “Sustainable Development Beyond CO2: The Role of Green Chemistry” at a business lunch held in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Myers is an internationally renowned expert on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), natural or synthetic substances that interfere with the body’s own hormone systems. EDCs have recently been named a global threat to public health by the United Nations Environmental Programme and the World Health Organization (UNEP/WHO report, FPF reported). Insurance companies now treat EDCs as an emerging risk and recommend reducing exposures (FPF reported).

This lunch is a unique opportunity for business decision makers, sustainability experts and those interested in the subject to raise their IQ concerning the emerging issue of EDCs, chemical risks, gaps in current chemical regulation and opportunities for innovation offered by green chemistry.

Register for this event here

Read more

Sustainable Development Beyond CO2: The Role of Green Chemistry. Green Buzz. September 5, 2013.

FPF article "Breaking News: WHO and UNEP publish EDC report"

FPF article "Insurances name EDCs an emerging risk"