On December 7, 2021, technology research and consulting company Gartner Inc. published a press release predicting that “90% of public sustainable packaging commitments won’t be met by 2025.” Gartner cites that most plastics are “not broadly recyclable” and that the infrastructure for plastics that can be recycled is limited. Alternative packaging material markets are still developing, and it will take time and communication along the whole supply chain to create products that aren’t reliant on virgin plastic materials (FPF reported, also here). The analysts instead advise companies to reduce single-use packaging, support extended producer responsibility schemes (FPF reported, also here and here), and potentially “incentivize consumers to embrace reusable packaging and develop in-store refill models” (FPF reported) in order to reach sustainability commitments.       

The Food Packaging Forum tracks packaging initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers in the Brand and Retailer Initiatives Database 


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Gartner Inc., (December 7, 2021). “Gartner Predicts 90% of Public Sustainable Packaging Commitments Won’t be Met by 2025.”