In an article published on July 3, 2018, news provider Plastics News Europe (PNE) informed about the new German packaging law that will enter into force on January 1, 2019 (FPF reported). The law aims to improve recycling and prevention of packaging waste by setting higher recycling targets for the different packaging materials, creating incentives for packaging producers to consider recyclability in packaging design, and promoting reusable packaging.

“The legislation applies to all manufacturers, importers, distributors and online retailers placing goods on the German market,” PNE explained. In order to maintain market access, businesses will have to register with the central packaging registry, PNE further noted. Also, companies “must prepare to participate in a dual system to arrange for packaging recovery after use to continue trading in the country,” PNE reported. Failure to comply with the new law can result in fines of up to € 50,000 or prohibition in sales.

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PNE (July 3, 2018). “New German packaging law to hit market in 2019.