On July 18, 2019, the industry association Plastic Recyclers Europe published an evaluation protocol for high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers as part of the RecyClass recycling platform (FPF reported). The protocol is described as “a useful tool for addressing and testing specific design features with regards to recyclability of HDPE rigid packaging” and helps “contribute to a correct recyclability assessment of the overall package.” The protocol has a technical focus on describing the “methodology that must be followed . . . at a laboratory scale in order to determine if a plastic packaging innovation is compatible with the post-consumer HDPE recycling stream.”

The association previously published a similar protocol for polyethylene (PE) films (FPF reported) and also provided a set of recyclability guidelines for various plastic materials.

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Plastic Recyclers Europe (July 17, 2019). “Recyclable HDPE packaging with Recyclass – recyclability evaluation protocol for HDPE containers released.”