In an article published on July 3, 2017, the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) announced the launch of the Human Exposure Assessment Tools Database (heatDB). This is a free online directory where “hundreds” of publicly available sources of exposure data and tools for exposure assessment were “gathered, structured and categorized into a harmonized system.” According to ECETOC, this new resource “allows risk assessors to quickly review what data sources and tools are available for given purposes and to have guidance on their appropriate use.”

The heatDB launch is accompanied by the ECETOC Technical Report No. 126 (published in November 2016), which discusses the database and presents several case studies demonstrating possible uses of several tools and data sources.

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ECETOC (July 3, 2017). “ECETOC launches a public directory of exposure data sources and exposure tools.

ECETOC (2017). “Human Exposure Assessment Tools Database.

ECETOC (2016). “Technical report No. 126 – Guidance for effective use of human exposure data in risk assessment of chemicals.