On May 4, 2015 the U.S.-based business advocacy group for a sustainable economy American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) published a media release about a new report evaluating the potential business and economic value of safer chemistry. According to the report, safer chemistry includes reducing the use and production of hazardous substances, reducing the human health and environmental impacts of processes and products, and creating safer products. The report entitled “Making the business & economic case for safer chemistry” was commissioned by the ASBC and the Green Chemistry & Commerce Council and developed by the consulting firm Trucost. The report is based on interviews with industry experts as well as on an extensive review of literature and data on the business and economic opportunities that can be achieved through safer chemistry and the business and economic value at risk from not adopting safer chemistry. Among other findings, the report shows that from 2011 to 2020 the market for safer chemicals is estimated to have 24 times the growth of conventional chemicals market worldwide. Potential financial costs of conventional chemistry (e.g. social costs of accidents and incidents) are driving the market for safer alternatives. “This report demonstrates what many in the industry have believed: that safer chemicals are the future, not just for safety and health, but for business itself”, says David Levine, CEO of ASBC.

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ASBC (May 4, 2015). “New report shows growing market potential for safer chemicals.


ASBC (April 24, 2015). “Making the business & economic case for safer chemistry.(pdf)