The Committee Opinion N° 575 of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), published on September 23, 2013, recommends physicians to place a stronger focus on the reduction of exposure to toxic environmental chemicals of pregnant women. In response to evidence linking environmental chemical exposure to reproductive and developmental health outcomes in particularly sensitive populations, ACOG published an opinion on “Exposure to toxic environmental agents”. ACOG identifies minority groups and women with occupational exposure to toxic chemicals as such particularly vulnerable groups. It advises health care providers to become knowledgeable about toxic environmental chemicals specific to their regions and to advise patients already in the preconception period on chemical risks. For this purpose physicians may inquire as to the workplace of the parent-to-be. The document also provides a list of chemical categories, sources of exposure and clinical implications. To avoid chemicals from food packaging and processing ACOG proposes to pregnant women to eat as much as possible fresh and unprocessed foods. The College suggests incorporating chemical risk education into the childbirth class curriculum.

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2013). “Exposure to toxic environmental agents. Committee Opinion No. 575.Obstetrics and Gynecology 2013;122:931–935.