In an article published on April 2, 2016 by The Guardian, Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University, U.S., comments on recent efforts of food manufacturers to remove unwanted ingredients such as artificial colors or flavors, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7) from their food products. As an example, Nestle refers to the recent announcement of Campbell Soup Company to switch to non-BPA containing food cans by mid-2017 (FPF reported). Nestle welcomes companies’ response to consumer demands for healthy food with healthy ingredients by stating that “if a company wants customers to buy its products, it must make products customers want to buy.” However, she points out that “the healthiest diets contain vegetables and lots of other relatively unprocessed foods.” She adds that “for the makers of highly processed foods – ultraprocessed in today’s terminology – there isn’t a lot that they can do to make the products appear fresh and natural.” Labeling products with e.g. “no artificial flavors” or “BPA-free” can help increase transparency in food marketing and consumers’ trust in the food industry. However, “no amount of subtraction from highly processed foods” is going to make them as fresh and healthy as unprocessed foods, Nestle concludes. Marion Nestle notes that she has no relation to Nestlé food company.

In previous articles by The Guardian, journalists Alison Moodie and Arthur Neslen have extensively reported on food companies such as Campbell’s moving away from BPA-based food can coatings.

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Marion Nestle (April 2, 2016). “No amount of ‘free from’ labelling will make processed food good for you.The Guardian

Arthur Neslen (April 1, 2016). “Campbell’s soup cans to drop hormone-mimicking chemical.The Guardian

Alison Moodie (March 31, 2016). “Food companies move away from potentially toxic chemicals in cans.The Guardian