On March 19, 2021, a group of academic scientists from ETH Zürich in Switzerland published a textbook focused on teaching core concepts for the safer and more sustainable design of chemical products and processes. The new resource introduces readers to a set of core topics including basic technical methods and tools (including life cycle assessment, product and process risk assessment, and thermal safety concepts) as well as key normative topics (including philosophical, societal, and business perspectives in addition to current environmental and safety legislation). Core sections of the book were developed in collaboration with industry partners, and the final chapter offers a workable, illustrative case study that guides readers through applying the fundamentals learned to the production and application of a real-world chemical product.

The textbook is free to download for all members of universities and companies that are subscribed to Springer Nature publications and also at a very reduced rate through the publisher’s MyCopy program in partnership with local libraries. Two of the book’s authors, Justin Boucher and Martin Scheringer, are also affiliated with the Food Packaging Forum and developed the book independently through their positions at ETH Zürich.

“With chemical production volumes expected to continue drastically increasing globally in the coming years, our aim with this new textbook is to share with students and current professionals alike a set of key fundamental scientific tools and perspectives to continuously improve our society’s development of safe and sustainable chemicals,” Boucher said. “This is the result of over 25 years of research and teaching within our Safety and Environmental Technology Group at ETH Zurich, and we glad this new textbook can help make that expertise and teaching material widely available.”

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Hungerbühler, Boucher, Pereira, Roiss, and Scheringer (March 2021). “Chemical Products and Processes – Foundations of Environmentally Oriented Design.” Springer Nature