On July 15, 2019, the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) is reported to have published a resolution listing additives allowed for plastics and polymeric coatings for use in food contact materials (FCMs). The trade bloc represents multiple countries in Latin America including Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The resolution (GMC 39/19) is reported to align with EU regulations on the additives and to also use the same definition for nanomaterials. The list includes 1,150 substances, defines calculation methods, and describes specific migration limits, usage restrictions, and limits to composition.

Mercosur member countries have to incorporate the resolution into their domestic laws by January 15, 2020. Public consultations are reported to be currently underway in Argentina and Brazil in order to adopt the resolution. Mercosur members are also currently working to amend existing regulations on metal FCMs. In 2018, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay adopted FCM regulations for cellulosic materials (FPF reported), and an overview of FCM regulations in Latin America has been previously published by law firm Keller and Heckman LLP (FPF reported).

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Cristina Caro Tovar (August 7, 2019). “Mercosur regulation lists permitted additives in plastics for FCMs.” Chemical Watch

Keller and Heckman LLP (October 15, 2019). “Mercosur’s Updated Additives Positive List Discussed at KH Seminar.”


Mercosur (July 15, 2019).Reglamento técnico Mercosur sobre lista positiva de aditivos para la elaboración de materiales plásticos y revestimientos poliméricos destinados a entrar en contacto con alimentos (Degogación de la Resolución GMC No 32/07).” (pdf) (in Spanish)