In an article published on March 19, 2019, news provider Plastic News Europe informed about the launch of Chemical Recycling Europe, a new association to represent the interests of the chemical recycling community in Europe. The association has the goal of “closing the loop for the plastics industry by offering the technology to endlessly recycle all plastic waste back into its original components.”

Carlos Monreal is the CEO of Plastic Energy and the current president of the new association. Regarding the use of chemical recycling, he said “our chemical recycling companies will handle the more difficult plastic waste that can’t be mechanically recycled and are still being landfilled or incinerated today. Chemical recycling is therefore a complementary solution for recycling end-of-life plastics and an important additional step for the circularity of the plastics industry even at global level.” Other association members include ReNew ELP, gr3n recycling, and Ioniqa Technologies.

The association will also host the “European Chemical Recycling Conference 2019” in Brussels, Belgium on June 4, 2019. The event aims to “discuss the challenges and latest developments in the area and future of chemical recycling with experts from the industry, research institutes, European and national authorities.”

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Plastics News Europe (March 19, 2019). “Europe officially launches chemical recycling platform.

Chemical Recycling Europe (March 2019). “Welcome to Chemical Recycling Europe.”

Michael Laermann (March 20, 2019). «Chemical recycling of plastic: Waste no more?» Euractiv Opinion