In an article published on July 27, 2018, the magazine EUWID Verpackung informed that German retailer EDEKA will introduce laser marking for several fruits and vegetables sold in its stores. With this measure up to 50 metric tons of packaging material (e.g., sticker labels, plastic film) can be saved per year, according to EDEKA. Already in 2017, the retailer started laser marking organically produced fruit and vegetables. The technique, so called “smart branding,” “natural branding,” or “laser labeling,” uses high-resolution lasers to apply lettering and logo onto the produce. The laser only removes pigments from the outer skin but does not damage the produce, EUWID Verpackung explained.

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EUWID Verpackung (July 27, 2018). “Edeka führt Laserkennzeichnung für zahlreiche Obst- und Gemüsesorten ein.» (in German)