On August 7, 2014 the UK-based industry group Chemical Industries Association (CIA) published an opinion to the E.U.’s public consultation on a central register for nanomaterials. According to CIA, nanomaterials are similar to other, already heavily regulated chemicals and substance forms. Special notification requirements for a nanomaterial register would place an additional unnecessary burden, since nanomaterials are already regulated under the E.U.’s chemical regulation REACH. As a consequence to additional administrative costs, consumers may have to pay the price in the end. A compromise may be to  expand the existing European Commission’s Joint Research Centre’s web platform on nanomaterials and include publicly available information for nanomaterials under all European regulations.

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EU nanomaterial register proposal questioned. European Plastics News. August 13, 2014.

Chemical industry says European Union regulation proposal aimed at adding understanding would confuse an already clear situation. Chemical Industry Association. August 7, 2014.