In an article published on January 21, 2016 by Chemistry World, the print and online magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry, journalist Rebecca Trager reports on a briefing held by the Green Chemistry & Commerce Council (GC3) at the U.S. Congress on January 13, 2016. At the meeting, pioneering researchers in green chemistry stressed that the development of non-toxic and environmentally friendly chemicals is being impeded due to lack of training in toxicology and environmental science in U.S. chemistry degree courses. According to John Warner, president and chief technology officer of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry in Massachusetts, U.S., most chemists are not taught to consider impacts on human health or the environment when synthesizing molecules. The science of chemistry has evolved in a way that “someone else’s problem is to worry about the toxicity and environmental impact,” Warner stated. David Constable, director of the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Green Chemistry Institute, pointed out that chemistry and chemical engineering education have changed very little over the past 60 to 70 years, even though significant advancements have been made in the fields. “Every single aspect of chemistry should be taught from a sustainable or green chemistry perspective,” Constable stated. However, most research universities still see green chemistry as something unnecessary, according to Constable.

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Rebecca Trager (January 21, 2016). “Green chemistry hindered by lack of toxicology training.Chemistry World