On September 3, 2019, France released the final version of its second national strategy on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) (FPF reported)This revision builds on the first national strategy published in 2014 (FPF reported). As summarized by Luke Buxton in his article published on September 4, 2019, by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch, the new strategy outlines three priority areas for action. 

As a first priority, “the creation of a list of EDCs to be shared among EU member states and the European Commission in 2020” is foreseen. Subsequently, the country “will run a public information campaign to raise awareness of the risks associated with the use of certain chemicals.” The French public health agency has already “created a website that gives practical advice to pregnant women and parents on how to limit child exposure.” The government also plans to “run training courses for health and child development professionals and local authority workers on best practices.” 

Secondly, “France will ask the European Commission to revise regulations that apply to everyday items, including cosmetics and toys, to address endocrine disrupting properties.” 

Lastly, France will seek “to improve knowledge by expediting research on the health impacts” of EDCs through several funding mechanisms. 

Read more 

Luke Buxton (September 4, 2019). “France outlines priority areas for tackling EDCs.” Chemical Watch 

Ministere de la Transition ecologique et solidaire (September 3, 2019). “Perturbateurs endocriniens: le Gouvernement presente une deuxieme strategie nationale, afin de reduire l’exposition de la population et la contamination de l’environnement.” (in French)


Republic of France (2019). “Deuxième Stratégie nationale sur les perturbateurs endocriniens 2019-2022.(pdf, in French)