On June 26, 2018, at 02:00 pm CEST (Central European Summer Time), the Food Packaging Forum (FPF) will hold a public webinar on the challenges for food packaging in the circular economy.

Dr. Brigit Geueke of the FPF will present the foundation’s latest peer-reviewed article on food packaging in the circular economy that was published in May 2018 in the Journal of Cleaner Production (FPF reported). The publication reports on recycling of five types of commonly used food packaging, but also discusses reuse, reduction, and redesign as further measures supporting the aims of the circular economy. A special focus is on the safety of recycled materials, with attention being paid to typical contaminants. After the presentation, there will be time for questions.

For more information and registration, please visit the event website.


Geueke, B. et al. (2018). “Food packaging in the circular economy: Overview of chemical safety aspects for commonly used materials.Journal of Cleaner Production 193:491-505.