In an article published on August 18, 2014 the chemical news provider Chemical Watch reports that the Canadian government decided to modify the timelines for assessing 14 phthalates under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP). Reason for the decision is a strong interest of stakeholders to provide scientific input, as well as the recent publication of a report on phthalates and their alternatives by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC, previously reported on by the FPF). Under the revised timeline Canada will release the science reports on phthalates and an approach for cumulative risk assessment in spring 2015. Draft screening assessments and final assessments are scheduled for publication in 2016 and 2017, respectively.

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Chemical Watch (August 18, 2014). “Canada modifies timelines for phthalate assessments.”

FPF news article «US may permanently ban 5 phthalates«