On July 18, 2023, a group of over 15 of European investment firms led by the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) published a letter appealing to EU institutions for robust measures in the forthcoming Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). The regulation, as investors perceive it, will set vital guidelines for waste prevention and reuse, providing a foundation for sustainable returns and environmental protection. The PPWR is an opportunity to “provide a regulatory environment in which companies can confidently invest in effective measures to reduce their environmental impact and thus appropriately manage the financial risks to which they – and their investors – are exposed.” 

In May, the same group of investors called attention to the growing business risk associated with single use plastics. They encouraged consumer goods companies to divest from plastics (FPF reported), arguing that single-use plastics expose companies and their investors to a plethora of challenges, including waste and pollution issues, increasing local and national waste reduction initiatives, and consumer backlash against waste and toxicity.  

This time, the investors collectively called on the EU for a PPWR that takes a more proactive stance, emphasizing the need for waste prevention at the source, rather than focusing on cleanup after pollution has already occurred. 



VBDO (July 19, 2023). «Investors demand strong plastic packaging rules from EU

European Investors (July 18, 2023). “Investors demand strong plastic packaging rules from EU.” VBDO. (pdf). 

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Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO)

Natasha Turner (July 18, 2023). «Letter to MEPs and environment ministers warns against ‘alarming’ efforts to weaken PPWR proposalESG Clarity.