On October 24, 2018, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a report prepared by its Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) on the EU Commission’s (EC) legislative proposal for reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, released in May 2018 (FPF reported). The report was adopted with 571 votes in favor, 53 against, and 34 abstentions. Next, the EP will “enter into negotiations with the Council once EU ministers have agreed their position.”

The now-adopted “new EU rules . . . tackle lost fishing gear and the 10 single-use plastic products most widely found on European shores,” which “account for 70% of marine litter,” the EP summarized (FPF reported). Some of these products, including cotton buds sticks, cutlery, plates, straws, stirrers, and balloon sticks, “could soon be banned as non-plastic alternatives are now available.” For others, “a range of other measures is proposed,” including targets for reduction of consumption for food containers and drink cups, extended producer responsibility schemes for producers of wrappers or cigarette filters, and a “collection target of 90% by 2025 for drink bottles,” including through imposing of deposit refund systems.

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EP (October 12, 2018). “Plastic in the ocean: The facts, effects and new EU rules.” (updated on October 24, 2018)

EC (October 24, 2018). «Commission welcomes European Parliament vote on proposal to reduce the impact of single use plastic products on the environment.» European Commission – Daily News

EP (October 25, 2018). «Plastic oceans: MEPs back EU ban on throwaway plastics by 2021.»

PlasticsEurope (October 24, 2018). «PlasticsEurope calls for clearer rules.»

European Bioplastics (October 24, 2018). «Reduction of single-use plastics needs to tie in with circular economy actions and consumption realities in Europe.»

European Environmental Bureau (October 24, 2018). «European Parliament takes historic stand against single-use plastic pollution.»

CIEL (October 24, 2018). «EU takes major step forward in stopping single-use plastic pollution.»

Sam Morgan (October 24, 2018). «MEPs crank up crusade against single-use plastics.» Euractiv

Shahrzad Pourriahi (October 25, 2018). «EU bans single use plastics, packaging industry expresses concern.» Plastics News Europe

EUWID Verpackung (October 25, 2018). «Einwegprodukte aus Kunststoff: EU-Parlament stimmt für Richtlinie.»

IBE-BVI (November 2018). «Single use plastics: proposal adopted by European Parliament.»


EP (October 11, 2018). “Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.” A8-0317/2018

EC (May 28, 2018). “Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.” COM/2018/340 final – 2018/0172 (COD)