During the most recent meeting of the European Commission’s Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) on November 17-18, 2021, it was announced that the mandates for the two subgroups on polymer registration and identifying endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) under REACH will be extended.

The polymer subgroup has held five meetings to discuss and attempt to agree on criteria and grouping to define which polymers should be registered under REACH (FPF reported). Currently, it is estimated that over 200’000 different polymers are present on the EU market with hazard data missing for most of them. Stakeholders have not been able to agree on an approach, and the subgroup has now been extended for another year until the end of 2022. In the subgroup on endocrine disruption, draft proposals have been discussed over the course of five meetings on how to create data requirements for identifying endocrine disruption for chemicals registered under REACH. The group has also worked to address the creation of hazard classifications for endocrine disruption under the EU’s CLP regulation (FPF reported). The mandate for this subgroup is now being extended by another two years until the end of 2023.

In addition, the European Commission has asked European Chemicals Agency to work on developing a restriction on microplastics (FPF reported). Recent updates point towards an expected delay in this decision making process as well. Chemical Watch found that an update presented to CARACAL in October mentions a legislative proposal on microplastics is now expected by the end of 2022 – a year later than previously planned. A recent State of the Union communication also suggested this timeline.

With these three topics seen as priority issues within the EU’s chemicals discussions and considering the ambitions of the new Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, these delays could be seen as concerning to many stakeholders looking for regulatory clarity and to address public health concerns.



European Commission (November 10, 2021). “42nd Meeting of Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) – CASG Polymers.”

European Commission (November 10, 2021). “42nd Meeting of Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) – CASG ED.”

European Commission (October 20, 2021). “Microplastics – Update on activities for CASG-polymers.”

European Commission (September 15, 2021). “State of the Union 2021 – Letter of Intent.” (pdf)


Read More

Clelia Oziel (November 4, 2021). “REACH proposals for polymers, endocrine disruptors braced for delays.” Chemical Watch

Clelia Oziel (November 4, 2021). “Possible delay signaled on EU microplastics restriction timetable.” Chemical Watch

Andrew Turley (November 25, 2021). “NGO accuses European Commission of bowing to industry pressure over fluoropolymers registration.” Chemical Watch