On December 18, 2019, the European Commission (EC) published a draft implementing regulation outlining the duties of substance registrants under REACH to update their registration dossiers. The EC further announced a feedback period on the draft open until January 15, 2020 for the public to submit comments. The draft regulation would require registrants to update their REACH dossiers following any of the following within a set time period:

  • changes in a registrant’s status or identity;
  • changes in the substance composition;
  • changes in tonnage band;
  • new identified uses and new uses advised against;
  • new knowledge of the risks to human health and/or the environment;
  • changes in the classification and labelling of the registered substance;
  • updates or amendments of the chemical safety report;
  • testing proposals prior to conducting a test listed in Annex IX or Annex X;
  • changes in access granted to information in the registration;
  • updates of joint submissions.

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EC (December 18, 2019). “Chemicals regulation – companies’ obligation to keep data on registered chemicals up-to-date (REACH).”

Chemical Watch (December 19, 2019). “Commission consults on REACH dossier update obligations.”

EC (December 18, 2019). “Draft Commission implementing regulation on the duties placed on registrants to update their registrations under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restrict.” (pdf)