On May 8, 2017 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published the “Administrative guidance for the preparation of applications for the safety assessment of substances to be used in plastic food contact materials.” The document provides guidance for “submitting applications for authorization of substances to be used in plastic food contact materials within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 and according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011, as amended.”

The guidance describes the procedures for handling applications, from submission to adoption and publication of EFSA’s scientific opinion. Specifically, it provides instructions for preparing an application dossier for the safety evaluation of a food contact material (FCM) substance by EFSA. Further, the guidance explains “the different possibilities to interact with EFSA staff and the support initiatives available during the different stages of the application life-cycle.” EFSA informs that the new guidance document replaces chapters 0 and 1 of the “Note for guidance for food contact materials,” published by EFSA in 2008.

Read more

EFSA (May 8, 2017). «Plastic food contact materials: Clearer guidance for applicants.»

Chemical Watch (May 9, 2017). «EFSA publishes guidance on authorization for plastic FCMs.»


EFSA (May 8, 2017). “Administrative Guidance for the preparation of applications for the safety assessment of substances to be used in plastic Food Contact Materials.EFSA Supporting Publications 14(5):1224E. (pdf)